I was invited to speak in the “Our Very Own” speaker series for the members of the club to share their insights.
When asked to talk about the musculoskeletal injuries and how to stay off the injured reserved list with prevention and treatments, I invited Dave Smith of Egoscue San Francisco who has a unique physical treatment method that many of our club members participating, including myself. We had a great opportunity to discuss ailments affecting shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hands and in more general terms lower extremity, hip, knee, and foot/ankle ailments too.
Dave Smith with Dr. Diao
Present top ten patients on the tour who have dealt with these injuries include, Maria Sharapova, Novak Djokovic, Juan Martín del Potro, and Rafael Nadal. Along with that illustrious list, David and I added our own personal stories of being hampered by injuries and how we overcame those for both of our cases, without needing surgery. We did talk about how to approach these problems in a stepwise fashion, allowing the body, with guidance to try to heal itself. If that does not work, finding right surgical approaches is key. There was a question and answer period at the end of our session. Hopefully, we’ve helped a few of our members “stay off the injured list”!